Feature #14087
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 6 years ago
Fulfill a GET request for a collection by PDH by querying the federation.
# Match GET request for collection by PDH
# Send request to the local cluster
# If success, return result
# If failure, send (in parallel) requests to federated sites
# On the first successful result, alter the signature hints in the returned record so keepstore will be able to get the data from the remote cluster (see Federated collections wiki and #13993)
# Return first result
# If all requests fail / time out, return error. Either 404 (if all sites return 404) 502 (Bad Gateway) or 504 (Gateway timeout) depending on the type of failure.
* How is the list of federated sites defined? Can start with remote hosts list in discovery document.
* When user uses federated identity on a remote cluster, this calls back to the home cluster, which could record the remote cluster as the user's "personal federation".