


Feature #14930

Updated by Lucas Di Pentima over 5 years ago

The use case would be for when sequencers finish uploading to arvados, we can set the timer to delete that data after some designated time period. 

 Trash Trash/delete times could be specified in 2 ways: 
 1. Absolute datetime: Could be accepted from a param like @--trash_at "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM"@ 
 2. Relative times: Could be accepted from a param like @--trash_after XX@ (where XX is number of days) XXh@ 

 Both parameters would be mutually exclusive. exclusive 

 The accepted format for * For absolute datetimes would be the one described at we can use @python-dateutil@’s parser ( 
 The accepted * For relative time parameter unit will times didn’t find any parser but I think it would be number of days (to be converted simple enough to amount of seconds) parse strings like “7[d|days]”, “1[w|week|weeks], etc.” and it should take into account possible timezone changes. use dateutil's @relativedelta@ feature to get the absolute datetime: 

 The relative trash time times should take note not of the upload finish process datetime. 

 When uploading using the "rsync mode", it should resuming a pre-existing collections, update the trash_at value when checkpointing. trash_at/delete_at fields? 
