Story #17272
Updated by Peter Amstutz about 4 years ago
* How you interact with Arvados in the big picture
** Getting started
** Guiding you to the right section based on what you want to do
** Quick start -- bare minimum you need to know
* Organize around personas:
** User (do stuff with command line and web)
** Developer (create pipelines, create stuff using API)
** Admin (install & manage system)
* More user-oriented sections instead of developer / devops
* Put SDK/API/Architecture under "Developer reference"
* Architecture showing each subsystem and which components are involved
* Better layout for sections instead of very tall table of contents
* Glossary
* Better front page
** Shrink the front page banner with Dax
** Replace lower right "Sections" (redundant) with information
* What to do with the top bar
** Maybe turn it into breadcrumbs to get back out
* Reference section of all the command line tools (with how to install / use)
* New documentation for the "arvados-client" and "arvados-server" subcommands.