Feature #2272
Updated by Tom Clegg almost 11 years ago
* Indicate on each row of "users" list which users have "is_invited" flag set to false. _(Assuming this is easy. Should it be a separate issue?)_
* On User->Show->Admin tab, if the user is missing any of the setup pieces (repo, VM, "all users") then a "Set up..." button appears, with an explanation why (e.g., "This user does not have VM access").
* The "Set up..." button brings up a dialog box asking for details needed to set up
** Choose a VM to give access to (hopefully we can make all VMs appear in the drop-down box)
** Repository name text entry box ("this will also be used as VM login username")
** "OK" and "Cancel" buttons
** "OK" sends AJAX request
** If successful, reload the current page to bring it up to date
** If unsuccessful, display error message in dialog box (bootstrap "alert" widget)
* On the Users->List page, add a button "Set up new user" button
** Brings up the same dialog box, but with added field
** Email address text entry box (on paste/keyup event, check whether anyone in the existing user list already has that address; if so, display a warning label (bootstrap widget) under the input saying "email address already in use!")
** OpenID prefix (with a default, from workbench config)
** Bonus: On success, insert a row at the top of the list for the new user. (But just reloading the index page would be fine.)
* If user is already partially set up, the form should say so near the appropriate input, e.g., "User already has VM access, username@vmname - you can leave this selection empty"
* If one of the fields is left blank, skip that part (e.g., no VM selected -> don't add VM permission)
* Test dialog box / form behavior using Capybara