


Feature #17054

Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 4 years ago

Add an extension to cwltool that allows the user to provide an expression that will determine the runtime name of a workflow step or scatter step.    When a new cwltool is released, update the dependency arvados-cwl-runner. 

 Suggested approach 

 h2. 1. Add a new process requirement to cwltool/extensions-v1.1.yml 

 - name: StepNameHint 
   type: record 
   inVocab: false 
   extends: cwl:ProcessRequirement 
   doc: | 
     Provide a hint for naming the runtime workflow step in logs or user interface. 
     - name: class 
       type: string 
       doc: "Always 'StepNameHint'" 
         "_id": "@type" 
         "_type": "@vocab" 
     - name: stepname: 
       type: [string, Expression] 
       doc: | 
         A string or expression returning a string with the preferred name for the step.   
         If it is an expression, it is evaluated after the input object has been completely determined. 

 h2. 2. update supportedProcessRequirements 

 Add "" to @supportedProcessRequirements@ 

 h2. 3. Update setup_schema() in 

 use_custom_schema("v1.2", "", ext11) 
 you should also add this to the "else" branch: 

 h2. 4. Update WorkflowJobStep in  

 Add code to the job() method that  

 # checks if the current workflow step has "" in "hints" or "requirements" 
 # If so, gets the value of "stepname" 
 # Then does = expression.do_eval(stepname)@ 

 h2. 5. Add tests 

 Write a workflow that uses the new hint to with an expression that uses something from the input to set the name of the workflow step.   

 Write a test case that calls cwltool --enable-ext and checks that the log output uses the custom name. 
