Feature #17054
Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 4 years ago
Add an extension to cwltool that allows the user to provide an expression that will determine the runtime name of a workflow step or scatter step. When a new cwltool is released, update the dependency arvados-cwl-runner.
Suggested approach
h2. 1. Add a new process requirement to cwltool/extensions-v1.1.yml
- name: StepNameHint
type: record
inVocab: false
extends: cwl:ProcessRequirement
doc: |
Provide a hint for naming the runtime workflow step in logs or user interface.
- name: class
type: string
doc: "Always 'StepNameHint'"
"_id": "@type"
"_type": "@vocab"
- name: stepname:
type: [string, Expression]
doc: |
A string or expression returning a string with the preferred name for the step.
If it is an expression, it is evaluated after the input object has been completely determined.
h2. 2. update supportedProcessRequirements
Add "http://commonwl.org/cwltool#StepNameHint" to process.py @supportedProcessRequirements@
h2. 3. Update setup_schema() in main.py
use_custom_schema("v1.2", "http://commonwl.org/cwltool", ext11)
you should also add this to the "else" branch:
h2. 4. Update WorkflowJobStep in workflow_job.py
Add code to the job() method that
# checks if the current workflow step has "http://commonwl.org/cwltool#StepNameHint" in "hints" or "requirements"
# If so, gets the value of "stepname"
# Then does @self.name = expression.do_eval(stepname)@
h2. 5. Add tests
Write a workflow that uses the new hint to with an expression that uses something from the input to set the name of the workflow step.
Write a test case that calls cwltool --enable-ext and checks that the log output uses the custom name.