Feature #17417
Updated by Ward Vandewege almost 3 years ago
Outstanding problems:
* Cross-compiling our Python virtualenv packages is going to be involved. Maybe we can use https://github.com/benfogle/crossenv.
* The therubyracer gem we use (0.12.3, latest) in the api server depends on libv8 (~> which is a version so old it only compiles on x86. Newer versions of libv8 compile on aarch64 too. We should migrate to `mini_racer` apparently.
* The npm-rails gem (used in WB1) is causing problems when doing a native compilation on arm64:
NODE_ENV=production /arvados/apps/workbench/node_modules/.bin/browserify /arvados/apps/workbench/tmp/npm-rails/bundle.js > /arvados/apps/workbench/vendor/assets/javascripts/npm-rails/production/npm-dependencies.js
*** stack smashing detected ***: terminated
/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh: line 420: 1098 Aborted (core dumped) ARVADOS_CONFIG=none RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_GROUPS=assets bin/rake assets:precompile > "$STDOUT_IF_DEBUG"
ERROR: Asset precompilation failed
ERROR: build packages on arvados/build:debian11 failed with exit status 1