Cluster configuration » History » Revision 24
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Tom Clegg, 01/23/2019 08:40 PM
Cluster configuration¶
We are (2019) consolidating configuration from per-microservice yaml/json/ini files into a single cluster configuration document that is used by all components.- Long term: system nodes automatically keep their configs synchronized (using something like consul).
- Short term: sysadmin uses tools like puppet and terraform to ensure /etc/arvados/config.yml is identical on all system nodes.
- Hosts without config files (e.g., hosts outside the cluster) can retrieve the config document from the API server.
Discovery document¶
Previously, we copied selected config values from the API server config into the API discovery document so clients could see them. When clients can get the configuration document itself, this won't be needed. The discovery document should advertise APIs provided by the server, not cluster configuration.
Secrets like BlobSigningKey can be given literally in the config file (convenient for dev/test, consul-template, etc) or indirectly using a secret backend. Anticipated backends:BlobSigningKey: foobar
⇒ the secret is literallyfoobar
BlobSigningKey: "vault:foobar"
⇒ the secret can be obtained from vault using the vault key "foobar"BlobSigningKey: "file:/foobar"
⇒ the secret can be read from the local file/foobar
BlobSigningKey: "env:FOOBAR"
⇒ the secret can be read from the environment variableFOOBAR
Instructions for ops¶
Tentative instructions for switching config file format/location:- Upgrade Arvados to a version that supports loading all configs from the new cluster-wide config file (maybe 1.4). When services come back up, they will still use your old configuration files, but they will log some deprecation warnings.
- Migrate your configuration to the new config file, one component at a time. For each component:
- Restart the component.
- Inspect the deprecation warning that is logged at startup. It will tell you either "old config file is superfluous" or "new config file is incomplete".
- If your old config file is superfluous, delete it. You're done.
- Run the component with the "--config-diff" flag. This suggests changes to your new config file which will make your old config file obsolete. (Alternatively, run the component with the "--config-dump" flag. This outputs a new config file that would make your old config file obsolete. Saving this might be easier than applying a diff, but it will reorder keys and lose comments.)
- Make the suggested changes.
- Repeat until finished.
- Upgrade to a version that doesn't support old config files at all (maybe 1.5).
Development strategy for facilitating the above ops instructions:- Read the new config file into an internal struct, if the new config file exists.
- Copy old config file values into the new config struct.
- Use the new config struct internally (the old config is no longer referenced except in the load-and-copy-to-new-struct step).
- Add a mechanism for showing the effect of the old config file on the resulting config struct (see "--config-diff" above).
- At startup, if the old config has any effect (i.e., some parts haven't been migrated to the new config file by the operator), log a deprecation warning recommending "--config-diff" and RTFM.
- Wait one minor version release cycle.
- Error out if the new config file does not exist.
- Error out if the old config file exists (...and some parts of the old config are not redundant [optional?]).
Example config file¶
(Format not yet frozen!)
Notes:- Keys are CamelCase — except in special cases like PostgreSQL connection settings, which are passed through to another system without being interpreted by Arvados.
- Arrays and lists are not permitted. These cannot be expressed natively in consul, and tend to be troublesome anyway: "what changed?" is harder to answer usefully, significance of duplicate elements is unclear, etc.
ManagementToken: eec1999ccb6d75840a2c09bc70b6d3cbc990744e
BlobSigningKey: ungu355able
BlobSignatureTTL: 172800
SessionKey: 186005aa54cab1ca95a3738e6e954e0a35a96d3d13a8ea541f4156e8d067b4f3
ConnectionPool: 32 # max concurrent connections per arvados server daemon
# All parameters here are passed to the PG client library in a connection string;
# see
Host: localhost
Port: 5432
User: arvados
Password: s3cr3t
DBName: arvados_production
client_encoding: utf8
fallback_application_name: arvados
HTTPRequestTimeout: 5m
CollectionReplication: 2
TrashLifetime: 2w
ActivateNewUsers: true
NewUserNotificationRecipients: {}
NewInactiveUserNotificationRecipients: {}
MaxRequestLogParamsSize: 2KB
MaxRequestSize: 128MiB
MaxIndexDatabaseRead: 128MiB
MaxItemsPerResponse: 1000
MultiClusterRequestConcurrency: 4
LogLevel: info
BootProbeCommand: "docker ps -q"
SSHPort: 22
SyncInterval: 1m # how often to get list of active instances from cloud provider
TimeoutIdle: 1m # shutdown if idle longer than this
TimeoutBooting: 10m # shutdown if exists longer than this without running BootProbeCommand successfully
TimeoutProbe: 2m # shutdown if (after booting) communication fails longer than this, even if ctrs are running
TimeoutShutdown: 1m # shutdown again if node still exists this long after shutdown
Driver: Amazon
Region: us-east-1
APITimeout: 20s
AWSAccessKeyID: abcdef
AWSSecretAccessKey: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
ImageID: ami-0a01b48b88d14541e
SubnetID: subnet-24f5ae62
SecurityGroups: sg-3ec53e2a
MaxAge: 2w
DeleteBatchSize: 100000
UnloggedAttributes: {} # example: {"manifest_text": true}
BatchSize: 4KiB
BatchTime: 1s
ThrottlePeriod: 1m
ThrottleThresholdSize: 64KiB
ThrottleThresholdLines: 1024
TruncateSize: 64MiB
PartialLineThrottlePeriod: 5s
TrashSweepInterval: 60s
ContainerDispatchPollInterval: 10s
APIRequestTimeout: 20s
MaxComputeNodes: 64
EnablePreemptibleInstances: false
DisableAPIMethods: {} # example: {"jobs.create": true}
DockerImageFormats: {"v2": true}
Enable: true
CrunchJobWrapper: none
CrunchJobUser: crunch
CrunchRefreshTrigger: /tmp/crunch_refresh_trigger
DefaultDockerImage: false
# Key is a profile name; can be specified on service prog command line, defaults to $(hostname)
# Don’t run other services automatically -- only specified ones
Default: {Disable: true}
Keepstore: {Listen: ":25107"}
Default: {Disable: true}
RailsAPI: {Listen: ":9000", TLS: true}
Controller: {Listen: ":9100"}
Websocket: {Listen: ":9101"}
Health: {Listen: ":9199"}
Default: {Disable: true}
KeepProxy: {Listen: ":9102"}
KeepWeb: {Listen: ":9103"}
# This section used for a node whose profile name is not listed above
Default: {Disable: false} # (this is the default behavior)
Type: s3
Region: us-east
Bucket: xyzzy-keep-0
# [rest of keepstore volume config goes here]
# “default” means route according to method/host/path (e.g., if host is a login shell, route there) default
# “collections” means always route to keep-web collections
# leading * is a wildcard (longest match wins)
"*": collections workbench workbench
"*": default
VCPUs: 2
RAM: 8000000000
Scratch: 31000000000
Price: 0.1
# same instance type as m4.large but our scripts attach more scratch
ProviderType: m4.large
VCPUs: 2
RAM: 8000000000
Scratch: 999000000000
Price: 0.12
VCPUs: 4
RAM: 16000000000
Scratch: 78000000000
Price: 0.2
VCPUs: 40
RAM: 160000000000
Scratch: 156000000000
Price: 2
VCPUs: 64
RAM: 256000000000
Scratch: 310000000000
Price: 3.2
VCPUs: 2
RAM: 3750000000
Price: 0.1
VCPUs: 36
RAM: 60000000000
Price: 1.591
Proxy: true # proxy requests to xrrrr on behalf of our clients
AuthProvider: true # users authenticated by xrrrr can use our cluster
Updated by Tom Clegg about 6 years ago · 33 revisions