Container secret mounts » History » Version 1
Tom Clegg, 02/27/2018 08:17 PM
1 | 1 | Tom Clegg | h1. Container secret mounts |
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3 | "secret_mounts" (?) behave just like mounts, except: |
4 | * Only literal content is allowed (text, json) |
5 | * Value of secret_mounts is never returned in a container request or container API response, except a new "containers#secrets" API which must be authenticated by the container's own runtime token |
6 | * Never appears in container logs |
7 | * Never appears in the Arvados logs table |
8 | * Never appears in websocket updates |
9 | * Never appears in API server request logs |
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11 | It is an error for the same key (mount path) to appear in both mounts and secret_mounts. |