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Tim Pierce, 02/28/2014 04:23 PM
added Warehouse client library installation instructions.

Installing a Development Arvados Instance

Arvados is primarily intended as a system to be run on large server clusters. For developers, we have provided a process to build and deploy the Arvados system in Docker containers on a single machine.

  1. Install the Arvados servers in Docker containers. The full process of configuring and building a Docker instance of Arvados is documented in the docker/ file in the source distribution.
  2. Install the client SDKs. After following those instructions, install the client libraries on your workstation as well. Make sure to install all three: Perl, Python and Ruby.
  3. Install the Warehouse client library for Perl. Running Crunch jobs locally requires having the Warehouse SDK for Perl installed locally. Follow the instructions at under "Client Library Installation."

Once you have installed the servers and started them with arvdock start, and installed the client libraries, you should be able to work through the user tutorials to upload data into Arvados and run simple Crunch jobs in debug mode.

Updated by Tim Pierce about 11 years ago · 14 revisions