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Tom Clegg, 04/23/2014 12:05 PM
Hacking API server¶
- Table of contents
- Hacking API server
Source tree layout¶
Everything is in /services/api
Key pieces to know about before going much further:
/ | Usual Rails project layout |
/app/controllers/application_controller.rb | Controller superclass with most of the generic API features like CRUD, authentication |
/app/controllers/arvados/v1/ | API methods other than generic CRUD (users#current, jobs#queue, ...) |
/app/models/arvados_model.rb | Default Arvados model behavior: permissions, etag, uuid |
Unlike a typical Rails project...¶
- Most responses are JSON. Very few HTML views. We don't normally talk to browsers, except during authentication.
- We assign UUID strings (see lib/assign_uuid.rb and app/models/arvados_model.rb)
- The
table emulates a graph database a la RDF. Much of the interesting information in Arvados is recorded as a Link between two other entities. - For the most part, relations among objects are not expressed with the usual ActiveRelation features like belongs_to and has_many.
- Permissions: see below.
Running in development mode¶
SDKs really want your server to offer SSL. One way is to generate a self-signed certificate.
openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out ~/self-signed.pem -keyout ~/self-signed.key -days 3650 -subj '/'
Save something like this at ~/bin/apiserver
, make it executable, make sure ~/bin is in your path:
set -e
cd ~/arvados/services/api
export RAILS_ENV=development
rvm-exec 2.0.0 bundle install
exec rvm-exec 2.0.0 bundle exec passenger start --ssl --ssl-certificate ~/self-signed.pem --ssl-certificate-key ~/self-signed.key
Headaches to avoid¶
If you make a change that affects the discovery document, you need to clear a few caches before your client will see the change.- Restart API server or:
touch tmp/restart.txt
- Clear API server disk cache:
rake tmp:cache:clear
- Clear SDK discovery doc cache on client side:
rm -r ~/.cache/arvados/
- Rails supplies
as a HashWithIndifferentAccess soparams['foo']
are equivalent. This is usually convenient. However, here we often copy arrays and hashes fromparams
to the database, and from there to API responses. JSON does not have HashWithIndifferentAccess (or symbols) and we want these serialized attributes to behave predictably everywhere. - API server's policy is that serialized attributes (like
on a link) always have strings instead of symbols: these attributes look the same in the database, in the API server Rails application, in the JSON response sent to clients, and in the JSON objects received from clients. - There is no validation (yet!) to check for this.
Involves- UserSessionsController (in app/controllers/, not .../arvados/v1): this is an exceptional case where we actually talk to a browser.
Object-level permissions, aka ownership and sharing- Models have their own idea of create/update permissions. Controllers don't worry about this.
- ArvadosModel updates/enforces modified_by_* and owner_uuid
- Lookups are not (yet) permission-restricted in the default scope, though. Controllers need to use Model.readable_by(user).
- ApplicationController uses an around_filter that verifies the supplied api_token and makes current_user available everywhere. If you need to override create/update permissions, use
act_as_system_user do ... end
. - Unusual cases: KeepDisks and Collections can be looked up by inactive users (otherwise they wouldn't be able to read & clickthrough user agreements).
- ApplicationController#require_auth_scope_all checks token scopes: currently, unless otherwise specified by a subclass controller, nothing is allowed unless scopes includes "all".
- ApplicationController has an admin_required filter available (not used by default)
Error handling¶
- "Look up object by uuid, and send 404 if not found" is enabled by default, except for index/create actions.
- API routes are in the
namespace. - Routes like
have to come beforeresources :jobs
will matchjobs#get(id=queue)
first). (Better, we should rearrange these to useresources :jobs do ...
like in Workbench.) - We use the standard Rails routes like
but then we move params[:id] to params[:uuid] in our before_filters.
- Run tests with
rvm-exec 2.0.0 bundle exec rake test RAILS_ENV=test
- Functional tests need to authenticate themselves with
authorize_with :active
refers to an ApiClientAuthorization fixture) - Big deficit of tests, especially unit tests. This is a bug! It doesn't mean we don't want to test things.
Discovery document¶
- Mostly, but not yet completely, generated by introspection (descendants of ArvadosModel are inspected at run time). But some controllers/actions are skipped, and some actions are renamed (e.g., Rails calls it "show" but everyone else calls it "get").
- Handled by Arvados::V1::SchemaController#index (used to be in #discovery_document before #1750). See
- Must be available to anonymous clients.
- Has no tests! We test it by trying all of our SDKs against it.
Development patterns¶
Add a model¶
In shell:rails g model FizzBuzz
- Change base class from
. - Add some more standard behavior.
include AssignUuid
include KindAndEtag
include CommonApiTemplate
In db/migrate/{timestamp}_create_fizzbuzzes.rb
- Add the generic attribute columns.
- Run
and add (at least!) a:uuid
class CreateFizzBuzz < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :fizzbuzzes do |t|
t.string :uuid, :null => false
t.string :owner_uuid, :null => false
t.string :modified_by_client_uuid
t.string :modified_by_user_uuid
t.datetime :modified_at
t.text :properties
add_index :humans, :uuid, :unique => true
Apply the migration:
rake db:migrate
RAILS_ENV=test rake db:migrate
(to migrate your test database too)- Inspect the resulting
and include it in your commit. - Don't forget to
git add
the new migration and model files.
Add an attribute to a model¶
- Generate migration as usual
rails g migration AddBazQuxToFooBar baz_qux:column_type_goes_here
- Consider adding null constraints and a default value to the
statement in the migration indb/migrate/timestamp_add_baz_qux_to_foo_bar.rb
:, null: false, default: false
- Consider adding an index
- You probably want to add it to the API response template so clients can see it:
→api_accessible :user ...
- Sometimes it's only visible to privileged users; see
- If it's a serialized attribute, add
serialize :the_attribute_name, Hash
to the model. Always specify Hash or Array! - Run
rake db:migrate
and inspect yourdb/schema.rb
and include the newschema.rb
in the same commit as yourdb/migrate/*.rb
migration script. - Run
rake tmp:cache:clear
andtouch tmp/restart.txt
in your dev apiserver, to force it to generate a new REST discovery document.
Add a controller¶
rails g controller Arvados::V1::FizzBuzzesController
- Avoid adding top-level controllers like
. - Avoid adding top-level routes. Everything should be in
namespace :arvados
→namespace :v1
except oddballs like login/logout actions.
Add a controller action¶
Add a route inconfig/routes.rb
- Choose an appropriate HTTP method: GET has no side effects. POST creates something. PUT replaces/updates something.
- Use the block form:
resources :fizz_buzzes do # If the action operates on an object, i.e., a uuid is required, # this generates a route /arvados/v1/fizz_buzzes/{uuid}/blurfl post 'blurfl', on: :member # If not, this generates a route /arvados/v1/fizz_buzzes/flurbl get 'flurbl', on: :collection end
In app/controllers/arvados/v1/fizz_buzzes_controller.rb
- Add a method to the controller class.
- Skip the "find_object" before_filters if it's a collection action.
- Specify required/optional parameters using a class method
.skip_before_filter :find_object_by_uuid, only: [:flurbl] skip_before_filter :render_404_if_no_object, only: [:flurbl] def blurfl @object.do_whatever_blurfl_does! show end def self._flurbl_requires_parameters { qux: { type: 'integer', required: true, description: 'First flurbl qux must match this qux.' } } end def flurbl @object = model_class.where('qux = ?', params[:qux]).first show end
Add a configuration parameter¶
- Add it to
with a sensible default value. - If there is no sensible default value, like
: specify~
(i.e., nil) inapplication.default.yml
and put a default value in thetest
section ofconfig/application.yml.example
that will make tests pass. - If there is a sensible default value for development/test but not for production, like return address for notification email messages, specify the test/dev default in the
but specify~
(nil) in theproduction
section. This prevents someone from installing or updating a production server with defaults that don't make sense in production! - Use
to retrieve the configured value. There is no need to check whether it is nil or missing: in those cases, "rake config:check" would have failed and the application would have refused to start.
Add a test fixture¶
Generate last part of uuid from command line:
ruby -e 'puts rand(2**512).to_s(36)[0..14]'
Generate uuid from
rails console
=> "xyzzy-j7d0g-8nw4r6gnnkixw1i"
Updated by Tom Clegg almost 11 years ago · 20 revisions