Hacking prerequisites » History » Version 51
Tom Clegg, 03/27/2019 09:03 PM
1 | 1 | Tom Clegg | {{>toc}} |
2 | |||
3 | h1. Hacking prerequisites |
4 | |||
5 | The Arvados test suite can run in a Docker container, a VM, or your workstation -- provided a few prerequisites are satisfied. |
6 | |||
7 | h2. Host options |
8 | |||
9 | h3. Starting on your workstation |
10 | |||
11 | 31 | Ward Vandewege | If your workstation is a debian jessie system -- and you don't mind installing a bunch of packages on your workstation, some of them without apt -- the easiest way to get running is to run tests on bare metal. Skip to "Dependencies". |
12 | 1 | Tom Clegg | |
13 | Other linux distributions should work too with some modifications, but it's probably easier to use a VM. |
14 | |||
15 | h3. Starting on a VM |
16 | |||
17 | Another option is to create a virtual machine using something like Xen or VirtualBox, and run debian jessie on it. The instructions below assume you have just a few basic requirements: |
18 | * SSH server |
19 | * sudo (@apt-get install sudo@) |
20 | * A user account with sudo privileges |
21 | |||
22 | h3. Starting in a docker container |
23 | |||
24 | This can get you started quickly, but (unlike the above options) you'll need to remember to use something like @docker commit@ to save your state before shutting down your container. |
25 | |||
26 | See http://docker.io for more about installing docker. On debian it looks something like this. |
27 | |||
28 | <pre> |
29 | echo 'deb http://http.debian.net/debian jessie-backports main' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jessie-backports.list |
30 | sudo apt-get install docker.io |
31 | sudo adduser $USER docker |
32 | # {log out & log back in} |
33 | groups |
34 | # {should include "docker"} |
35 | </pre> |
36 | |||
37 | Start up a new container with jessie, make a new user and log in as that user: |
38 | |||
39 | <pre> |
40 | 12 | Joshua Randall | docker run -it --privileged debian:jessie bash |
41 | 1 | Tom Clegg | apt-get update |
42 | 34 | Tom Clegg | apt-get -y install sudo |
43 | 1 | Tom Clegg | adduser me |
44 | 33 | Tom Clegg | adduser me sudo |
45 | 1 | Tom Clegg | sudo -u me -i |
46 | </pre> |
47 | 12 | Joshua Randall | |
48 | 15 | Tom Clegg | The "--privileged" is required in order for /dev/fuse to be accessible (without it, no tests that require FUSE will work). |
49 | 1 | Tom Clegg | |
50 | h2. Install dev environment |
51 | |||
52 | 3 | Tom Clegg | <pre> |
53 | 37 | Tom Clegg | # only on debian 9 (stretch), to permit ruby 2.3 compilation (see https://github.com/rbenv/ruby-build/wiki#openssl-usrincludeopensslasn1_mach102-error-error-this-file-is-obsolete-please-update-your-software): |
54 | 36 | Tom Clegg | sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends libssl1.0-dev |
55 | |||
56 | 45 | Tom Clegg | # other systems: |
57 | sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends libssl-dev |
58 | |||
59 | # all systems: |
60 | |||
61 | 38 | Tom Clegg | sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends \ |
62 | 22 | Tom Clegg | bison build-essential cadaver fuse gettext git gitolite3 graphviz \ |
63 | iceweasel libattr1-dev libfuse-dev libcrypt-ssleay-perl libjson-perl \ |
64 | libcrypt-ssleay-perl libcurl3 libcurl3-gnutls libcurl4-openssl-dev \ |
65 | 1 | Tom Clegg | libjson-perl libpcre3-dev libpq-dev libpython2.7-dev libreadline-dev \ |
66 | 45 | Tom Clegg | libxslt1.1 libwww-perl linkchecker lsof nginx perl-modules \ |
67 | 10 | Joshua Randall | postgresql python python-epydoc pkg-config sudo virtualenv \ |
68 | 43 | Tom Clegg | wget xvfb zlib1g-dev libgnutls28-dev python3-dev \ |
69 | 51 | Tom Clegg | r-base r-cran-testthat libxml2-dev pandoc cython bsdmainutils |
70 | 2 | Tom Clegg | |
71 | 32 | Tom Clegg | # ruby 2.3 |
72 | 1 | Tom Clegg | ( |
73 | set -e |
74 | mkdir -p ~/src |
75 | cd ~/src |
76 | 50 | Tom Clegg | wget http://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/2.3/ruby-2.3.8.tar.gz |
77 | tar xzf ruby-2.3.8.tar.gz |
78 | cd ruby-2.3.8 |
79 | 1 | Tom Clegg | ./configure --disable-install-doc |
80 | make |
81 | sudo make install |
82 | sudo gem install bundler |
83 | ) |
84 | |||
85 | 49 | Tom Clegg | # go >= 1.10 |
86 | sudo apt-get install golang-1.10 || \ |
87 | 1 | Tom Clegg | ( |
88 | set -e |
89 | 49 | Tom Clegg | wget https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go1.12.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz |
90 | sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.12.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz |
91 | 1 | Tom Clegg | cd /usr/local/bin |
92 | sudo ln -s ../go/bin/* . |
93 | ) |
94 | |||
95 | # phantomjs 1.9.8 |
96 | ( |
97 | set -e |
98 | PJS=phantomjs-1.9.8-linux-x86_64 |
99 | wget -P /tmp https://bitbucket.org/ariya/phantomjs/downloads/$PJS.tar.bz2 |
100 | sudo tar -C /usr/local -xjf /tmp/$PJS.tar.bz2 |
101 | sudo ln -s ../$PJS/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin/ |
102 | ) |
103 | 43 | Tom Clegg | |
104 | 48 | Tom Clegg | # geckodriver |
105 | ( |
106 | set -e |
107 | 50 | Tom Clegg | GD=v0.24.0 |
108 | 48 | Tom Clegg | wget -P /tmp https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download/$GD/geckodriver-$GD-linux64.tar.gz |
109 | sudo tar -C /usr/local/bin -xzf /tmp/geckodriver-$GD-linux64.tar.gz geckodriver |
110 | ) |
111 | |||
112 | 43 | Tom Clegg | # npm |
113 | ( |
114 | set -e |
115 | wget -O- https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.11.2/node-v6.11.2-linux-x64.tar.xz | sudo tar -C /usr/local -xJf - |
116 | 1 | Tom Clegg | sudo ln -s ../node-v6.11.2-linux-x64/bin/{node,npm} /usr/local/bin/ |
117 | 43 | Tom Clegg | ) |
118 | 45 | Tom Clegg | </pre> |
119 | 1 | Tom Clegg | |
120 | 20 | Tom Clegg | Note: For ubuntu, virtualenv is python-virtualenv |
121 | 18 | Bryan Cosca | |
122 | 1 | Tom Clegg | h2. Get the arvados source tree and test scripts |
123 | |||
124 | <pre> |
125 | cd |
126 | git clone https://github.com/curoverse/arvados.git |
127 | </pre> |
128 | |||
129 | ...or, if you're a committer with your public key on our git server: |
130 | |||
131 | <pre> |
132 | cd |
133 | git clone git@git.curoverse.com:arvados.git |
134 | </pre> |
135 | |||
136 | 5 | Tom Clegg | h2. Start Postgres |
137 | |||
138 | _If you're running in a docker container_ you'll need to start Postgres manually: |
139 | |||
140 | <pre> |
141 | sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start |
142 | </pre> |
143 | |||
144 | 1 | Tom Clegg | (If you're on a regular workstation/server/VM, startup scripts have already taken care of that for you.) |
145 | 9 | Joshua Randall | |
146 | 47 | Tom Clegg | h2. Ensure entropy |
147 | 11 | Joshua Randall | |
148 | 47 | Tom Clegg | If you're running in a VM, you might run out of entropy, which will make some tests run very slowly. The easiest solution is to install haveged. |
149 | 11 | Joshua Randall | |
150 | 29 | Tom Morris | <pre> |
151 | 47 | Tom Clegg | sudo apt-get install haveged |
152 | 11 | Joshua Randall | </pre> |
153 | |||
154 | 9 | Joshua Randall | h2. Setup groups |
155 | |||
156 | 17 | Tom Clegg | Make sure the fuse and docker groups exist (create them if necessary) and that the user who will run the tests is a member of them. |
157 | 13 | Joshua Randall | |
158 | 1 | Tom Clegg | h2. Create a Postgres user |
159 | |||
160 | 5 | Tom Clegg | Create an "arvados" user with "create database" privileges. The test suite will create and drop the arvados_test database as needed. |
161 | 1 | Tom Clegg | |
162 | <pre> |
163 | newpw=`tr -cd a-zA-Z </dev/urandom |head -c32` |
164 | sudo -u postgres psql -c "create user arvados with createdb encrypted password '$newpw'" |
165 | 16 | Tom Clegg | cp -i ~/arvados/services/api/config/database.yml{.example,} |
166 | 1 | Tom Clegg | newpw="$newpw" perl -pi~ -e 's/xxxxxxxx/$ENV{newpw}/' ~/arvados/services/api/config/database.yml |
167 | </pre> |
168 | |||
169 | h2. Run tests |
170 | |||
171 | <pre> |
172 | 24 | Ward Vandewege | time ~/arvados/build/run-tests.sh WORKSPACE=~/arvados |
173 | 1 | Tom Clegg | </pre> |
174 | |||
175 | 14 | Tom Clegg | During development, you'll probably want something more like this. It reuses the given temp directory, which avoids a lot of repetitive downloading of dependencies, and allows you to save time with @--skip-install@ or @--only-install sdk/ruby@ and so on. |
176 | 1 | Tom Clegg | |
177 | <pre> |
178 | 23 | Tom Clegg | mkdir -p ~/.cache/arvados-build |
179 | 24 | Ward Vandewege | time ~/arvados/build/run-tests.sh WORKSPACE=~/arvados --temp ~/.cache/arvados-build |
180 | 1 | Tom Clegg | </pre> |