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Tom Clegg, 02/27/2014 01:11 PM

2014-03-26 Workflow sharing and dev tools

Sprint theme: When I do something useful, I want other people to understand and use it.

Demo: (still rough!)
  1. Run existing pipeline (choose from bundled pipelines: GATK, LobSTR, etc)
  2. Edit the pipeline (change version/arguments, add a component)
  3. Optional: edit a crunch script, push to git repo
  4. Run my new pipeline
  5. Share my new pipeline and my worked example (including data, tags, source code, etc) with all the users in the “my lab” group
  6. As another lab member: log in, find the shared workflow, inspect details, run it myself with my own input data.

Updated by Tom Clegg about 11 years ago · 33 revisions