


Wiki » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Ward Vandewege, 04/05/2013 03:17 PM) → Revision 2/119 (Anonymous, 04/06/2013 11:30 AM)

h1. Orvos Open Source Project Wiki 

 The wiki has most of the information you need to get a good understanding of Orvos. It also includes lots of working docs for different aspects of the project to support the development effort.  

 *Platform Overview* 
 [[Introduction to Orvos]] 
 Data Management System 
 Compute Management System 
 Running on Cloud OS 
 Orvos Content Addressable Storage (Keep) 
 Orvos Pipeline Management (Jobs)  
 Orvos User Dashboard (??) 
 API Server (??)  
 Orvos Documentation Project 

 *Getting Started* 
 Installation howto 
 Compute node setup 
 EC2 compute node life cycle 
 User Guide 

 How to Contribute 
 Contributor Agreement 
 How to Get Code 
 Submitting Code 
 IRC and Mailing Lists 
 Source tree overview 

 Project Principles 
 Overview of Process Philosophy 
 User Personas  
 What is a Story 
 Contributing Stories and Voting on Stories 
 Managing Issues 
 Managing Backlog 
 Roadmap and Release Plan 

 Website Privacy Policy 
 Website Terms of Use 
 Project Individual Contributor Agreement 
 Code License Agreement