Bug #10215
closed[CWL] arvados-cwl-runner --version should work without ARVADOS_API_HOST set
Assigned To:
Radhika Chippada
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
(Total: 0.00 h)
Story points:
a-c-r currently generates an error if you attempt to use --version without having API host and token set:
$ arvados-cwl-runner --version 2016-10-10 15:24:20 arvados.cwl-runner[1] ERROR: ARVADOS_API_HOST is not set. Aborting.
Nothing should be required to get the version.
Updated by Tom Morris over 8 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Target version set to 2016-12-14 sprint
Updated by Tom Clegg over 8 years ago
Some cases to check:
$ unset ARVADOS_API_HOST ARVADOS_API_TOKEN $ ARVADOS_API_HOST=foo ARVADOS_API_TOKEN=bar arvados-cwl-runner --version 2016-11-22 21:08:11 arvados.cwl-runner[57848] ERROR: Unable to find the server at foo $ ARVADOS_API_HOST= ARVADOS_API_TOKEN=bar arvados-cwl-runner --version 2016-11-22 21:08:29 arvados.cwl-runner[58957] ERROR: token argument provided, but host missing. $ ARVADOS_API_HOST= ARVADOS_API_TOKEN= arvados-cwl-runner --version 2016-11-22 21:08:43 arvados.cwl-runner[60483] ERROR: maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp $ arvados-cwl-runner --version /usr/bin/arvados-cwl-runner 1.0.20161017193526, arvados-python-client 0.1.20161017101604, cwltool 1.0.20161007181528
Updated by Tom Clegg over 8 years ago
- Assigned To changed from Tom Clegg to Radhika Chippada
Updated by Radhika Chippada over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
10215-arvados-cwl-runner-version @ df74707
As we discussed, handle version arg before all other work.
Updated by Tom Clegg over 8 years ago
LGTM @ df747077737cbcd62d6cfaedf17b1eaa18c1cbf8
Still need to figure this one out, though?
tom@nelle:~/src/arvados (10215-arvados-cwl-runner-version)$ (. tmp/VENVDIR/bin/activate; ARVADOS_API_HOST= ARVADOS_API_TOKEN= arvados-cwl-runner) 2016-12-06 13:43:03 arvados.cwl-runner[17581] ERROR: maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp
Updated by Radhika Chippada over 8 years ago
We have a different ticket #10614 to address the "maximum recursion depth exceeded" issue.
Updated by Radhika Chippada over 8 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset arvados|commit:0fb93082a34a92699c9be9ed4b1c991dd4003ea1.