Tom Clegg wrote:
Peter Amstutz wrote:
The current index is ordered by descending priority. Should it also index on 'state' ?
A dispatcher doesn't filter on state -- locked_by_uuid≠null implies state∈{Locked,Running} and it wants to get updates in both of those states.
Ok, the [:locked_by_uuid, :priority]
index makes sense for this query, which filters by locked_by_uuid, is ordered by priority descending and paged by offset.
// Containers I currently own (Locked/Running)
querySuccess := d.checkForUpdates([][]interface{}{
{"locked_by_uuid", "=", d.auth.UUID}}, todo)
The future index will be... ordered by uuid? And then sorted on the client side? (or stuffed into some sorted data structure). Don't we still care about state and if priority is > 0. Maybe this is a premature optimization if that query hasn't been written yet?
Yes, paging has less weird racy behavior when sorting by uuid (vs. we get page 1; then a container on page 2 gets its priority increased enough to move it to page 1; then we get page 2; ...). Priority sorting can happen on the client side.
Ok, the [:locked_by_uuid, :uuid]
index makes sense.
A dispatcher doesn't filter on priority>0 -- it needs to know if priority changes to 0 while it has the lock, so it can cancel.
There's another dispatcher query that filters by state and priority. I expect we'll need to do something similar in crunch-dispatch-cloud, except paged by uuid instead of offset. Do we want a third index [:state, :priority]
// Containers I should try to dispatch
querySuccess = d.checkForUpdates([][]interface{}{
{"state", "=", Queued},
{"priority", ">", "0"}}, todo) && querySuccess