Bug #19153
closedIssues with opening and sharing links to files in collections
Start date:
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% Done:
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(Total: 0.00 h)
Story points:
Release relationship:
- link to /collections/uuid/filename
- expected that it should open file, but just shows wb2 collection
- .tsv files downloading instead of showing inline
- TSV files aren't interpreted as text files so they're downloaded even when directly clicking on them on the collection panel.
- Using the "Copy to clipboard" feature to get a
link makes the browser download the file instead of showing them inline, even if the file is correctly interpreted as images or text.
More detail:
User process is:
- User uses "copy URL" on a HTML file in a collection
- User sends URL to another person
- Person clicks on the URL
- Person logs into Arvados
- Person expects to see the HTML file rendered, but gets a download dialog instead
Also reported that clicking directly on HTML in file browser doesn't render it but also sends to download dialog.