Feature #19467
Design for navigation from collections and workflow steps (breadcrumbs)
Added by Peter Amstutz over 2 years ago.
Updated over 2 years ago.
When visiting a workflow step (a container request with requested_by_container_uuid) or collection that was produced by a container request (properties['container_request']) we want to be able to navigate "up" to the parent container request.
Want some kind of breadcrumbs on the collection or container request panel that shows something like this:
Workflow -> Step -> Collection
Design question: what does it show when a number of possible container requests match (because something was reused).
Tom: keep some state about the path to took to get there. Could embed uuids making up the path in the document fragment or query portion of the URL bar, so URL is sharable.
Sarah: will add ideas for visual design to show that things are workflow steps or collections
Sarah: if you show up with no context it should go to the earlier one
- Description updated (diff)
- Description updated (diff)
- Description updated (diff)
- Assigned To set to Sarah Zaranek
- Subject changed from Design for navigation from collections and workflow steps to Design for navigation from collections and workflow steps (breadcrumbs)
- Target version changed from 2022-09-28 sprint to 2022-09-14 sprint
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Here are samples basically what we call a hybrid breadcrumb showing where you are in terms of project and workflow --if there are several workflows that have a certain subworkflows - show the existing one you are in and have a pulldown arrow for the other worfklows. Names are limited with ... showing it was shortened with hover showing full name. You can click on breadcrumbs as you can now and go to that page. If link doesn't have context via which workflow -- show the one that was the initial one to create it.
Don't show the "leaf node" name (collection, step, project) in breadcrumbs. Currently it shows the current project when in the project view, we will stop doing that for consistency.
If a collection is an output of a workflow then show the workflow that created it in the breadcrumbs.
If it is the output of the step, it shows the step & the parent workflow.
Workflow steps show the parent workflow in breadcrumbs.
Hover should give full name and type of object.
Include both color and icon -- evaluate if we like using color or not for this.
Change workflow icon to something that means "workflow" better than the current 3 blobs icon.
- Related to Feature #19504: Breadcrumbs bar showing parent workflow for workflows steps and output collections added
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
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