Task #2848
Story #2756: Improve Workbench "show pipeline instance" page
Please review again branch: 2756-eventbus-in-workbench
Added by Radhika Chippada almost 11 years ago.
Updated almost 11 years ago.
Added the following on top of previously implemented and reviewed set:
- Update crunch-dispatch.rb to send redis logs to Logs table. Used event type "transient-log-entry" to indicate that these are transient rows and can be removed after the job(s) complete
- Updated the event_log.js to also support data-object-uuid*s*.
- Update pipeline instance to display jobs related log entries using data-object-uuid*s*
- Added helper method to pipeline_instance_helper to get the log history.
- In pi log display, display the history (from above) before appending real time logs
- Display log links when the pi is in "done" state
Also addressed "component name should be plain, not styled with label, not a link to the job".
Are we sure we do not want it to be a link? I thought the link provided additional information.
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assigned To changed from Tom Clegg to Radhika Chippada
- Assigned To changed from Radhika Chippada to Tom Clegg
Tom, addressed all your feedback. Please take another look.
- I interpreted the comment "instead of making pub_msg and doing the redis stuff" as "don't write to redis anymore". Hope this is correct interpretation. Please let me know if this is incorrect and if you want me to resurrect redis stuff.
- Please let me know if we want to use a higher number than 4096 for LOG_BUFFER_SIZE
Thanks for really thorough feedback.
Tom, yes, there were two copies of each line, which I noticed later as I was looking at the log table entries. It is fixed now. I do not think we have the "Fo, then 5 seconds later reads o\n" issue since I am doing line splits on new line char.
I also changed "if j[:stderr_buf].index("\n") && j[:stderr_flushed_at] != Time.now.to_i" to only look for "if j[:stderr_buf].index("\n")". I think it is not required to check the flushed_at time here since I am checking it later.
Also added one more column to display a link to Job in component display. This is to address the goal of "if a job has been chosen, job detail should be in its own column". I think a link to job would probably be sufficient and not result in too much clutter.
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- Remaining (hours) set to 0.0
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