I tried to submit the following job:
arv job create --job "{\"script\":\"hash\",\"script_parameters\":{\"input\":\"c1bad4b39ca5a924e481008009d94e32+210\"},\"script_version\":\"master\",\"repository\":\"arvados\",\"nondeterministic\":null,\"output_is_persistent\":false,\"runtime_constraints\":null,\"owner_uuid\":\"4xphq-j7d0g-lfabuhbixq4e9lq\"}"
On API server logging, it reports multiple errors:
#<ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Runtime constraints must be a Hash, not a NilClass, Owner uuid '4xphq-j7d0g-lfabuhbixq4e9lq' not found, Script version master does not resolve to a commit>
However, the 'arv' command line only presents the first error:
Error: Runtime constraints must be a Hash, not a NilClass
I haven't looked to see if this is a bug in 'arv' or a bug in API server error reporting.