Task #6512
Story #2256: [Workbench] Users can access an Arvados shell through the Web
Task #6360: add arvados API token libpam python module for shellinabox via puppet for shell nodes.
make arvados_pam.py read from /etc/default/ for its configuration.
Added by Ward Vandewege over 9 years ago.
Updated over 9 years ago.
Work from 6384-libpam-arvados
- Subject changed from make arvados_pam.py read from /etc/default/ for its configuration.
to make arvados_pam.py read from /etc/default/ for its configuration.
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assigned To changed from Nico César to Ward Vandewege
I added a arvados_pam file that should go in /etc/default
the code is untested.
two minor changes
1. shellinabox is shellinaboxd for debian package version .... change that in the name of the /etc/pam.d/ direcory
2. "/usr/local/bin" that we talked about
Nico Cesar wrote:
two minor changes
1. shellinabox is shellinaboxd for debian package version .... change that in the name of the /etc/pam.d/ direcory
2. "/usr/local/bin" that we talked about
Both fixed, thanks!
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- Remaining (hours) set to 0.0
this is done and deployed
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