


Story #3762

Updated by Tom Clegg almost 10 years ago

Keep should process the file asynchronously and delete each block in it. 

 This is written out in more detail at the bottom of: 

 * For now, begin processing the trash list right away.    We can defer to a future sprint how Keep should decide when to start recycling blocks. 
 * If a block's actual age is less than (some delta) it should not be deleted. -Need skipped.    Need to define how this threshold is chosen. (Ideally this is defaultTrashLifetime from the discovery doc, but a command line flag would be OK.)- "Some delta" is the value of the existing @-permission-ttl@ flag. OK.) 
 * -If a new list is received while the old one is being processed, abandon the existing one, replace it with the new one, and start over.- (WorkQueue already takes care of this.) 
