Feature #17695
open[costanalyzer] make an accurate report for spot instances on AWS
In Progress
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It looks like AWS has a "DescribeSpotPriceHistory" API:
That could be used to calculate the actual spot price for a container marked as run on an "Preemptible" node. We'd have to make sure to only use this code if we're on AWS.
Updated by Ward Vandewege over 3 years ago
- Related to Story #18179: Better spot instance support added
Updated by Ward Vandewege over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
I have a proof of concept that works, however:
- AWS credentials are required to get results
- the region/az needs to be specified, and we don't keep that information (it's not in node.json, the az is not even in our config, it's derived from the SubnetID)
- the spot price history only goes back 2 months (established empirically, I have not found this in any docs yet)
What this means is that we should add this functionality (calculating the cost of the job) to a-d-c or crunch-run, and that it should be added to the node.json file in the log collection. Costanalyzer can then just report that cost number directly, without having to do AWS api calls. And perhaps more importantly, we could also display it in Workbench2. Should we record it in the container record?
Update: we wrote this up in #18205
Updated by Ward Vandewege over 3 years ago
- Blocked by Feature #18205: [api] [cloud] add compute instance price to container record added