Story #18249
closedRename release branches to X.Y-release
Added by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.
User had trouble because they cloned from github and got the development branch. Did not understand that 2.2-dev is actually a release branch.
Suggested change:
- X.Y-dev should be called X.Y-release
make latest stable branch (e.g. "2.3-release") the default branch for github (add to release checklist)
Need to rename branches & adjust references from X.Y-dev to X.Y-release.
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 2021-10-13 sprint to 2021-10-27 sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
How about this:
- X.Y-dev is still actually a development branch for that release.
- When the release happens, we create a X.Y-release branch. This points to latest release in the X.Y series. The head of the branch should be the same as the tag for the latest release. This branch is only updated for actual releases.
- On each major release, go to github and set the "default branch" to the X.Y-release branch.
Updated by Tom Clegg over 3 years ago
It seems a bit weird to me to arrange our github setup to accommodate the (anti?)pattern of an install recipe that starts by cloning a git repo.
More ideas:- at, provide a snippet that does the exactly correct "git clone" command (the current language is "cloning the 2.2-dev branch from {url}" which makes it easy to forget the checkout step, and depending on familiarity with git might even be misinterpreted to mean "cloning {url} gives you the 2.2-dev branch")
- in the script, error out if being run from a git tree with a non-released version and the user isn't explicitly asking for a development version
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 2021-10-27 sprint to 2021-11-10 sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 2021-11-10 sprint to 2021-11-24 sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 2021-11-24 sprint to 2021-12-08 sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 2021-12-08 sprint to 2022-01-05 sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
- Assigned To changed from Peter Amstutz to Ward Vandewege
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
- Assigned To deleted (
Ward Vandewege) - Target version changed from 2022-01-05 sprint to 2022-01-19 sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz about 3 years ago
- Subject changed from Development process feedback to Rename release branches to X.Y-release
Updated by Ward Vandewege about 3 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Existing `-dev` branches:
branch | ||||
1.2-dev | arvados | |||
1.3-dev | arvados | |||
1.4-dev | arvados | arvados-workbench2 | ||
2.0-dev | arvados | arvados-workbench2 | ||
2.1-dev | arvados | arvados-workbench2 | ||
2.2-dev | arvados | arvados-workbench2 | arvados-formula | there are some deployments out there that used 2.2-dev, do not remove that branch |
2.3-dev | arvados | arvados-workbench2 | arvados-formula |
We only have the last four pushed to github at the moment.
Things to update:- DONE (though, this is now handled by art)
- DONE rename branches
- DONE rename github branches
- DONE /usr/local/bin/ on `public`
- DONE arvados git repo `pre-receive` and `post-update` hooks
- DONE local checkouts for everyone -> notify team
- DONE doc: `_includes/_branchname.liquid` and `install/arvbox.html.textile.liquid`, also in the old release branches (2.2 and 2.3 only)
- DONE rename branches for the arvados-workbench2 repo
- DONE rename github branches for the arvados-workbench2 repo
- DONE arvados-workbench2 git repo `pre-receive` hooks
- DONE rename branches for the arvados-formula repo
- DONE rename github branches for the arvados-formula repo
- DONE arvados-formula git repo `pre-receive` hooks
Updated by Ward Vandewege about 3 years ago
Instructions to fix local checkouts of the old `-dev` branches (e.g. for 2.3):
git remote update origin --prune # update the list of remote branches git branch -d 2.3-dev # delete the local 2.3-dev branch git checkout 2.3-release # checkout the new 2.3-release branch
Please don't push the old `-dev` branches again (it will not be allowed, I updated our git hook to check for that).
Updated by Ward Vandewege about 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset arvados|e2d8cb447c7b5f7b5800e9982ca9178c689a8142.